Помимо общих исследований, в этой книге представлено множество специализированных работ разнообразной тематики. Одной из целей этой книги было дать читателям базовые представления об истории Ирландии, чтобы после ее прочтения им стало проще знакомиться с упомянутыми выше сложными общими работами (особенно трудами Фостера, Хоппена и Джексона). В этом разделе есть отдельные списки общих работ, тематических работ и специализированных работ, упорядоченных в соответствии с главами этой книги. Большинство общих работ все еще можно найти в печати, но специализированные работы могут быть доступны только в библиотеках.
Beckett J. C. The Making of Modern Ireland, 1603–1921. London, 1966, reprinted 1987.
–– A Short History of Ireland. London, 1981.
Bort E. (ed.). Commemorating Ireland: History, Politics, Culture. Dublin, 2004.
Boyce D. G., O’Day A. Defenders of the Union: a survey of British and Irish unionism since 1801. London, 2001.
Boyce D. G. The Irish Question and English Politics, 1868–1986. Dublin, 1991.
–– Nineteenth Century Ireland: the Search for Stability. Dublin, 1991.
Boyce D. G., O’Day A. (eds). The Making of Modern Irish History: Revisionism and the Revisionist Controversy. London, 1996.
Boyce D. G., Swift R. (eds). Problems and Perspectives in Irish History since 1800. Dublin, 2004.
Brady C. (ed.). Interpreting Irish History: the Debate on Historical Revisionism. Dublin, 1994.
Brown M., Geoghegan P. M. The Irish Act of Union, 1800: bicentennial essays. Dublin, 2003.
Buckland P. A History of Northern Ireland. Dublin, 1981.
Carroll C., King P. (eds). Ireland and Postcolonial Theory. Cork, 2003.
Clarkson L. A., Crawford E. M. Feast and famine: food and nutrition in Ireland, 1500–1920. Oxford, 2001.
Comerford R. V. Ireland. London, 2003.
Connolly C. Theorizing Ireland. Basingstoke, 2003.
–– The Oxford Companion to Irish History. Oxford, 1998.
–– The Oxford companion to Irish history. Oxford, 2002.
Coogan T. P. Wherever green is worn: the story of the Irish Diaspora. New York, 2001.
Crowley T. Wars of Words: the politics of language in Ireland 1537–2004. Oxford, 2005.
Cullen L. M. The Emergence of Modern Ireland 1600–1980. London, 1983.
De Nie M. W. The Eternal Paddy: Irish identity and the British press, 1798–1882. Madison, WI, 2004.
De Paor L. The Peoples of Ireland from Prehistory to Modern Times. London, 1986.
Donnelly J. S. Encyclopedia of Irish history and culture. Farmington Hills, MI, 2004.
Ferris I. The Romantic National Tale and the Question of Ireland. Cambridge, 2002.
Fleming N. C., O’Day A. The Longman handbook of modern Irish history since 1800. Harlow, 2005.
Foster R. F. Modern Ireland 1600–1972. London, 1989.
–– The Irish story: telling tales and making it up in Ireland. Oxford, 2002.
Geary L. Rebellion and Remembrance in Modern Ireland. Dublin, 2001.
Goodby J. Irish Studies: The Essential Glossary. London, 2003.
Graham C. Deconstructing Ireland: Identity, Theory, Culture. Edinburgh, 2001.
Gray P. Victoria’s Ireland?: Irishness and Britishness, 1837–1901. Dublin, 2004.
Hayes A., Urquhart D. The Irish women’s history reader. London, 2001.
Hollis D. W. The history of Ireland. Westport, CT, 2001.
Hoppen K. T. Elections, Politics, and Society in Ireland, 1832–1885. Oxford, 1984.
–– Ireland Since 1800: Conflict and Conformity. London, 1999.
Howe S. Ireland and empire: colonial legacies in Irish history and culture. Oxford, 2000.
Jackson A. Ireland 1798–1998: Politics and War. Oxford, 1999.
Kee R. Ireland: A History. London, 2003.
Kenny K. Ireland and the British Empire. Oxford, 2004.
Keogh D., Whelan K. Acts of Union: the causes, contexts, and consequences of the Act of Union. Dublin, 2001.
Kilfeather S. Dublin: a cultural history. Oxford, 2005.
Lloyd D. Ireland After History. Cork, 2000.
Lyndon J. The Making of Modern Ireland: from Ancient Times to the Present. London, 1999.
Lyons F. S. L. Ireland Since the Famine. London, 1971, reprinted 1985.
McBride I. History and memory in modern Ireland. Cambridge, 2001.
McBride L. (ed.). Reading Irish Histories: Texts, Contexts and Memory in Modern Ireland. Dublin, 2003.
McCarthy J. P. Ireland: a reference guide from the Renaissance to the present. New York, 2006.
McDonough T. Was Ireland a colony?: economics, politics, and culture in nineteenth-century Ireland. Dublin, 2005.
Moody T. W. The Ulster Question, 1603–1973. Dublin, 1974.
Moody T. W., Martin F. X. (eds). The Course of Irish History. Cork, 1994.
Murphy J. H. Ireland: a social, cultural and literary history, 1791–1891. Dublin, 2003.
O’Dowd M. A history of women in Ireland, 1500–1800. Harlow, 2005.
Ranelagh J. O’B. A Short History of Ireland. Cambridge, 1999.
Stewart A. T. Q. The shape of Irish history. Montreal, 2001.
Welsh F. The four nations: a history of the United Kingdom. New Haven, 2003.
Wheeler J. S. The Irish and British wars: triumph, tragedy, and failure. London and New York, 2002.
Whyte J. Interpreting Northern Ireland. Oxford, 1989.
История экономики и демографии
Barry F. Understanding Ireland’s Economic Growth. London, 1999.
Barry T. B. A history of settlement in Ireland. London, 2000.
Connell K. Population of Ireland 1750–1845. Oxford, 1951.
Cullen L. M. An Economic History of Ireland Since 1660. London, 1972.
Daly M. E. Social and Economic History of Ireland since 1800. Dublin, 1981.
Guinnane T. W. The Vanishing Irish: Household, Migration, and the Rural Economy. Princeton, 1997.
Litvack L., Hooper G. Ireland in the nineteenth century: regional identity. Dublin, 2000.
Ó Gráda C. Ireland Before and After the Famine: Explorations in Economic History, 1800–1925. Manchester, 1993.
–– Ireland: a New Economic History 1780–1939. Oxford, 1994.
–– A Rocky Road: the Irish Economy Since the 1920s. Manchester, 1997.
Silverman M. An Irish working class: explorations in political economy and hegemony, 1800–1950. Toronto, 2001.
Turner M. (ed.). After the Famine: Irish Agriculture,