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Дополнительные материалы
The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles and Optimize Your Fertility – thefifthvitalsignbook.com
Free training videos, Cervical Mucus 101, and BBT 101: thefifthvitalsignbook.com/bonuses
Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook: A Companion to The Fifth Vital Sign thefifthvitalsignbook.com/chartingworkbook
Fertility Awareness Mastery Online Study Course: thefifthvitalsignbook.com/fam
ertility Awareness Mastery Live Coaching Course: thefifthvitalsignbook.com/live
Fertility Friday – fertilityfriday.com
The Fertility Friday Podcast: fertilityfriday.com/podcast
Taking Charge of Your Fertility – tcoyf.com
Taking Charge of Your Fertility: The Definitive Guide to Natural Birth Control, Pregnancy Achievement, and Reproductive Health by Toni Weschler
Justisse College – justisse.ca
Justisse Method Fertility Awareness and Body Literacy: A User’s Guide by Geraldine Matus
The Garden of Fertility – gardenoffertility.com
The Garden of Fertility: A Guide to Charting Your Fertility Signals to Prevent or Achieve Pregnancy – Naturally – and to Gauge Your Reproductive Health by Katie Singer
FACTS: Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science – factsaboutfertility.org
Grace of the Moon by Sarah Bly – graceofthemoon.com
Fertility UK – fertilityuk.org
The Kindara Charting App – kindara.com
Другие книги по теме фертильности
Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH
Justisse Method Fertility Awareness and Body Literacy by Geraldine Matus, PhD
The Garden of Fertility by Katie Singer
The Complete Guide to Fertility Awareness by Jane Knight
Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden, ND
Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup, MD
8 Steps to Reverse Your PCOS by Fiona McCulloch, ND
Healing PCOS by Amy Medling
No Period. Now What? by Nicola Rinaldi, PhD
Overcoming Thyroid Disorders and Iodine by David Brownstein, MD
Real Food for Pregnancy by Lily Nichols, RDN, CDE
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby and Childcare by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas Cowan, MD
Pathways to Pregnancy by Mary Wong, R.TCMP, R.Ac
The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis, PhD
How to Conceive Naturally by Christa Orecchio and Willow Buckley
The Pill Problem by Ross Pelton, RPh, CCN
The Pill: Are You Sure It’s for You? by Jane Bennett and Alexandra Pope
Sweetening the Pill by Holly Grigg-Spall
Her Blood Is Gold by Lara Owen
Wild Power by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer
Managing PMS Naturally by M. Sara Rosenthal
Cunt by Inga Muscio
Список использованных источников
1. Muscio, Inga. (1998). Cunt: A Declaration of Independence. New York, NY: Seal Press, 61.
2. Там же, 68.
Глава 1
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8. Frank-Herrmann, Petra, J. Heil, C. Gnoth, E. Toledo, S. Baur, C. Pyper, E. Jenetzky, T. Strowitzki, and G. Freundl. “The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to avoid pregnancy in relation to a couples’ sexual behaviour during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study.” Human Reproduction 22, no. 5 (2007).
9. Andrist, Linda C., Raquel D. Arias, Deborah Nucatola, Andrew M. Kaunitz, B. Lynn Musselman, Suzanne Reiter, Jennifer Boulanger, Linda Dominguez, and Steven Emmert. “Women’s and providers’ attitudes toward menstrual suppression with extended use of oral contraceptives.” Contraception 70, no. 5 (2004): 359–363; Coutinho, E.M., and S.J. Segal. (1999). Is Menstruation Obsolete? Oxford University Press.
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13. Mohammed, Hisham, I. Alasdair Russell, Rory Stark, Oscar M. Rueda, Theresa E. Hickey, Gerard A. Tarulli, Aurelien A. Serandour et al. “Progesterone receptor modulates ERα action in breast cancer.” Nature 523, no. 7560 (2015): 313; Lange, Carol A., Jennifer K. Richer, and Kathryn B. Horwitz. “Hypothesis: progesterone primes breast cancer cells for cross-talk with proliferative or antiproliferative signals.” Molecular Endocrinology 13, no. 6 (1999): 829–836; Chang, King-Jen, Tigris T.Y. Lee, Gustavo Linares-Cruz, Sabine Fournier, and Bruno de Ligniéres. “Influences of percutaneous administration of estradiol and progesterone on human breast epithelial cell cycle in vivo.” Fertility and Sterility 63, no. 4 (1995): 785–791.
14. Kumar, Nirmala S., Jennifer Richer, Gareth Owen, Elizabeth Litman, Kathryn B. Horwitz, and Kimberly K. Leslie. “Selective down-regulation of progesterone receptor isoform