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- Автор: Luiza Akzholova
- Жанр: Литература
- Дата добавления: 20 май 2024
- Количество просмотров: 153
- Страниц: 3
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Inefficient management is more than just a hurdle; it's a roadblock that can hinder progress, stifle creativity, and ultimately, impede success. Unfortunately, it's a problem that many organizations face, regardless of size or industry. This book is written for students and aspiring executives who wish to improve their management skills and solve problems for the successful operation and sustainable development of companies and organizations of all forms.
Tulkin Narmetov, Luiza Akzholova
The Theory of proper Management
Dear reader, this book is presented in an abbreviated form of a methodological guide for self-study of management skills with facilitated analysis and memorization of the subject.
1. Bases of Management: In this part, we can explore the basic principles and concepts of management, such as hierarchy, authority, communication, and decision-making. We will also discuss different management styles and their impact on the organization.
2. Management Goals: In this section, we will be exploring the importance of defining goals and aligning them with the organization's mission and strategy. Then, we will discuss methods of setting goals, measuring and monitoring them, as well as the impact of goals on employee motivation and productivity.
3. Planning: Here we can consider the planning process by including the development of a strategic, tactical and operational plan. Additionally, there will be methods of forecasting, analyzing the environment, formulating goals and strategies, as well as resource planning and monitoring the implementation of the plan.
4. Strategic Mindset: In this part, there will be discussion about strategic thinking as a key aspect of management. There's going to be analysis of the external and internal environment, the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as the development and implementation of strategies to achieve a competitive advantage.
5. Micro and macro process management: In this section, we can explore the management of operational processes at the micro level, including production, quality, supply management, etc. We can also consider the management of macro processes such as strategic planning, change management, project management, and so on.
6. Structureless management: this section can be attributed to the most difficult psychological skills in the field of management. In this part of the book, we consider structureless management as one of the important skills in achieving success in management activities.
7. Management after death: In this section, we will show issues related to inheritance management, transfer of power and managerial responsibility after the death of the head. We will consider different approaches and recommendations for successful management in such situations.
Bases of Management:
Management is the process of organizing and directing the resources of an organization to achieve its goals. The basis of management is the ability to coordinate the actions of employees, make decisions, control the fulfillment of tasks and ensure the effective functioning of the organization.
Management principles include planning, organization, motivation, control and coordination. A good worker should be a good communicator and leader, also be able to inspire their team to aim common goals.
Management goals:
Management goals serve as a guideline for the organization's activities. They must be SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited). Goals can be long-term and short-term, and can also be aimed at various aspects of an organization's activities, such as financial results, product quality, or customer satisfaction.
It is important to build management goals in accordance with the mission and strategy of the organization. They should be clearly formulated and understood by all employees so that everyone can contribute to their achievement.
Planning is the process of defining goals and developing strategies and tactics to achieve them. Proper planning allows an organization to anticipate possible problems and risks, as well as identify the necessary resources to successfully complete tasks.
Planning includes analyzing the environment, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as developing alternative development paths. A key element of planning is to determine the sequence of actions and set priorities for the successful achievement of goals.
Strategic mindset:
Strategic mindset is the ability to see settled things in the long term and analyze the internal and external environment of an organization in order to develop competitive strategies. This includes understanding the needs of customers, market trends, advantages and weaknesses of competitors, as well as the internal resources and capabilities of the organization.
Strategic mindset helps heads of companies to determine the path of an organization's development, grow competitive advantages and realize them through strategic planning and execution.
Micro and macro process management:
Micro process management refers to the management of operational processes at the micro level, such as production line management, product quality, supply chain, etc. In this case, the emphasis lays on efficiency, productivity and control of operations.
Macro process management, in turn, concerns the management of strategic and organizational processes at the highest level. This includes change management, strategic planning, project management, quality management and other key aspects of the organization.
Structureless management:
Structureless management is a management method based on delegation of authority and creation of conditions for self — organization of employees. Having the skills of structureless management allows you to achieve your goals with the least expenditure of energy and without risk to yourself, for this reason, this method has found wide distribution and development among senior managers. The application of strategic sustainable development goals at the heart of structureless management has led to the creation of the most effective continuous management system. In this regard, we consider structureless management to be inseparable from the strategy of the Sustainable Development Goals. In this method, the employee does not give specific instructions to employees, but creates conditions in which they can make decisions and act independently. Delegation of authority can be seen as a healthy manipulation of employees' minds. Manipulation is the process of influencing the behavior of other people. Healthy manipulation is one type of tactics that does not harm other people and is aimed at achieving positive goals.
Structureless management can be very effective because it allows employees to show initiative and creativity. However, it can also be very difficult, as it requires employees to have a high level of trust in workers and the ability to create the right conditions for self-organization. In politics, the executive branch