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1. The Original «Oz» Series. UK: Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, Ltd., 2005.

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Gage M. J. The Dakota Days of L. Frank Baum (Part 1) // The Baum Bugle. № 10.1. Spring 1966. Р. 8.

Gardner M. Why Librarians Dislike Oz // American Book Collector. Special Number. December 1962. Р. 14–16.

Gardner M. We’re Off to See the Wizard // New York Times Book Review. May 2, 1971. Section 7, part II.

Gardner M. Introduction // American Fairy Tales by L. Frank Baum. NY: Dover Publications, Inc., 1978. Р. v-xiii.

Gardner M. The Royal Historian of Oz // The Wizard of Oz and Who He Was / Eds. M. Gardner. R. B. Nye. Intro. M. Hungiville. East Landsing, MI: Michigan State UP, 1994. Р. 19–45.

Golumb B. M. A Defense of the Oz Books // Library Journal. October 15, 1957. Р. 137–138.

Gorky M. «Soviet Literature» speech at the «Soviet Writers’ Congress 1934». London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977. Р. 25–69.

Goscilo H. Big-Buck Books: Pulp Fiction in Post-Soviet Russia // The Harriman Review. № 12.2. Winter 1999–2000. Р. 6–24.

Greene David L. L. Frank Baum SF and Fantasy // Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. № 5.4. Winter 1981. Р. 14, 16.

Greene David L. The Early History of the Baum Bugle. Reminiscences of a Former Editor in Chief // The Baum Bugle. № 51.2. Autumn 2007. Р. 13.

Greene Douglas G. The Wizard in Many Tongues // The Baum Bugle. № 21.1. Spring 1977. Р. 10.

Greene Douglas, Greene David. More Oz from Russia // The Baum Bugle. № 6.3. Christmas 1962. Р. 9.

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Grossman L. Foreword // Fic. Why Fanfiction is Taking Over the World by Anne Jamison. Dallas, TX: Smartpop, 2013. Р. xii–xiv.

Haber E. Surrogate Fathers and Sons: Aleksandr Volkov’s Historical Fiction for Children // Children’s Literature Association Quarterly. № 42.1. Winter 2017.

Hackett A. P. 60 Years of Best Sellers. 1895–1955. NY: R. R. Bowker Co., 1956.

Hackett A. P. 70 Years of Best Sellers. 1895–1965. NY: R. R. Bowker Co., 1967.

Hartley J. M. Siberia: A History of the People. New Haven: Yale UP, 2014.

Haywood A. J. Siberia. A Cultural History. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2010.

Hearn M. P. The Reluctant Retirement of a Royal Historian // The Baum Bugle. № 33.3. Winter 1989. Р. 7.

Hearn M. P. Introduction // The Wizard of Oz. The Screenplay by Noel Langley, Florence Ryerson & Edgar Allan Woolf. NY: Dell Publishing, 1989. Р. 1–28.

Hearn M. P. An Illustrator’s Illustrator, Part I // The Baum Bugle. № 38.1. Spring 1994. Р. 20–32.

Hearn M. P. The Hatching of Father Goose // The Baum Bugle. № 43.3. Winter 1999. Р. 45.

Hearn M. P. Introduction // The Annotated Wizard of Oz. Centennial Edition. Text by L. F. Baum, Pictures by W. W. Denslow. Preface by Martin Gardner. NY: W. W. Norton and Company, 2000. Р. xiii-cii.

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Hewins С. The History of Children’s Books // Atlantic Monthly. January 1888. Р. 112–126.

Hollister W. Oz and the Fifth Criterion // The Baum Bugle. № 15.3. Christmas 1971. Р. 6.

Hungiville M. Introduction // The Wizard of Oz and Who He Was / Eds. M. Gardner, R. B. Nye. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State UP, 1994. Р. ix-xiv.

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Ivanov M. What is Russia Reading? // Russian Life. № 40.7. July 1997. Р. 16–20.

The Ivory Tower and Harry Potter: Perspectives on a Literary Phenomenon / Ed. L. A. Whited. Columbia and London: U. of

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